Journeying with Jamlo
Thukpa for all
A Tribute to the Fathers on my Bookshelf this Father's Day
Books about Refugees and why our Children need to read them.
A Cup of Noon Chai and a Library of Stories.
Daisy Dolls
Diverse India Theme and Library Display
A Saree for Ammi...filled with learning opportunities.
'The Village with a Long Name' stretches our imaginations.
Stories from Orissa and the connections my students made.
Sometimes misfortune can indeed be a blessing.
The Grand Chapati Contest
Vee loved Garlic and talking about food and intolerances
When a library read-aloud session inspires creative expression...Spellbound by Nalini Sorensen
Oh, for the love of Picture Books with infinite possibilities!!
The Unboy Boy...examining gender roles through a picture book.
The Lion's Feast...a romp of a story, an absolute treat.